Let’s start by correctly defining the notions of function and application in mathematics.
An application
More formally:
A relation
In other words:
Let’s visualize this concept!
If the concept is still unclear for you:
We define before that a relation
The second condition is also verified because
Let’s start first by saying that all applications are functions.
More formally:
In other words:
A function can’t link an element to multiple images!
A multi-valued function is not a function. To learn more.
The difference:
We just seen the theory and the original definitions of functions and applications. However, this difference can vary a lot depending on the context. Here are 4 answers to this question:
- Synonym: it will often be admitted by abuse of language that the two mean the same thing. It is therefore not necessarily rigorous, but depending on your level, the subject you are working on, the difference may not really matter.
- According to the field: without thinking, we will often reserve the term “application” in algebra (“linear application” for example) and that of function in analysis.
- Historically: some authors reserve the term function in the case where
is a set of integers like for example. [2] - The real answer: What we just defined here!
In summary. An application is a function which is itself a correspondence. The reverse is not true!
To complete this article, here is an example of correspondance.